Comp Benchmarks

Salary Baselines are and have been fairly standard across tech sales jobs. If you’re seeing considerable deviations from the below, start asking questions.

If the base salary compensation is lower than you expected, try to understand what the equity and accelerator trade-offs are.

If the base salary compensation is higher than you’re used to, it’s likely the upside is hard to achieve and you’re putting yourself at risk as an expensive employee who might not have the ability to deliver.

Great salespeople dig. They look at the full-picture before making a decision. The full compensation picture for great sellers is:

1) Base Salary/On-Target Earnings (OTE) —> How comp is reflected below.

2) Accelerators-how does out-performance get interesting?

3) Equity- how is the company positioning equity (is the company more focused on cash or equity incentives- which can tell you a lot)

4) Cultural costs - How much the leadership/culture aligns with your life. Yes, there can be a cost to this.

Use the filters below to determine your comp band. If you disagree or have questions re: the below, contact us.